Mass Notification & Alert Services
Mass Notifications & Alert Services
LHRIC offers messaging services that provide communication and emergency messages to parents and staff through work and home emails, landlines, and text. The messaging services have different hosting methods. BlackBoard Connect and K-12 Alerts are fully hosted, whereas School Messenger provides a hosted and shared service. Each offers different benefits in the areas of language translation, community access, and connectivity to Student Information Systems.
Jay Dave
Manager - Financial Services
T: (914)922-3242
K–12 Alerts
K12 Alerts (Message Logix Inc) is a premiere contact/messaging service for all districts in any situation. K-12 Alerts is a trusted platform that is easy to use — with the ability to send mass notifications relating to weather alerts, lockdowns/evacuations, and other emergencies. The LHRIC will support your use of the alert system as needed to ensure each district can securely/properly send any communication.
Blackboard Mass Notification
Blackboard (Active Internet Technologies LLC Finalsite) aims to be a partner in change, helping learners, educators, institutions, and companies thrive in complex and changing environments. Dedicated to K-12 learning, Blackboard offers mobile and web-based solutions designed to help connect information, services, and people needed to achieve goals and success by leveraging innovative technologies and services. With the purchase of CMS software, subscribers to the service will have access to professional services from the LHRIC team.
School Messenger
SchoolMessenger is a leading national company that provides notification solutions used in K-12 environments for emergency broadcasts, parent outreach, and student attendance communications. With 24/7- 365 support, maximum uptime and massive calling capacity, School Messenger allows for outbound notifications, emergency broadcasts and interactive surveys in over thirty different languages and translations. With the LHRIC, users will have further access to unlimited messaging (phone, email, text, attendance notifications, etc.), reporting, and support.
Parent Square
ParentSquare is a communication tool that connects schools with students, parents, and families. ParentSquare builds better relationships between school and home life.
Remind is a communication and engagement platform that has the ability to be automatically translated into over ninety different languages. Remind allows for real-time notifications on any device and ensures personal information stays private throughout each exchange. Remind is now part of the Parentsquare family of brands.
BrightArrow Technologies, Inc.
BrightArrow is an automated information and communication system designated for emergency notifications, attendance calls, two-way messages, etc. via school-related alerts and messages. BrightArrow is aimed to help public, charter, private, and parochial schools and districts.
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